Anime As A Gateway To Cultural Education And Understanding


Naruto, Demon Slayer, Bleach, and One Punch Man are just a few examples of anime that have taken the world by storm. Anime has gained much popularity recently, and it’s not hard to see why. Aside from the exciting plots and impressive visuals and sounds, anime also serves as a gateway to cultural education and understanding. Intrigued? Then make sure to keep reading until the end to find another reason why you should enjoy anime shows more often.

How Anime Serves As A Gateway to Cultural Education and Understanding

The anime movie “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – The Movie: Mugen Train” was one of the highest-grossing movies of 2020. With a budget of only $16 million, this movie made $507.1 million at the box office. Why would a simple “kids’ cartoon show” be so profitable? Well, it’s because there is so much to anime that you only get to appreciate when you sit and watch it for yourself. But if this doesn’t convince you, here are four other reasons to consider:

  • Universal Themes And Issues
  • The Language
  • Expanding Your Worldview
  • Starting Point To Learn More About Japanese Culture
  1. Universal Themes And Issues

There are different genres of anime that you can enjoy. If you like horror, there’s “Another,” if you’re into sports, there’s “Kuroko no Basuke,” and then if thrillers are what you prefer, there’s “Death Note.” There is a good deal of anime to choose from, and most of them do a good job of addressing universal themes and moral dilemmas. 

For instance, in the anime “Death Note,” the main character has the power to kill anyone when he writes their name into the Death Note. He uses this ability to target the corrupt and evil, but soon he also targets the innocent to ensure his survival. Trying to decide what is wrong and right is a big part of this anime, and as a viewer, you’re left with your decisions to make as well. 

This is just one example, but many more anime films and shows offer even more complex issues. Trying to watch them all might be a challenge if you have essays that need to be submitted, so consider trying out free essay examples for college students. This website offers numerous free samples and academic writing services, all designed to get you good grades.

  1. The Language

Unless you choose to watch dubs, Japanese anime’s original language and audio will impress you. It covers everything from expressions of shock or excitement to how they include respect when addressing others. The Japanese language is intriguing, and anime has made many viewers either start learning the language intentionally or not. 

Simple words like “Arigato – Thank you” and “Nani – what” are so frequently used that you are bound to pick them up in no time. Taking the time to learn and understand another language is a good step towards expanding your thinking and empathy when interacting with others.

  1. Expanding Your Worldview

Aside from Japanese culture, anime teaches us a lot about the world. For instance, the anime Dr. Stone tells the story of a version of Earth that is set back into the Stone Age due to a catastrophic event. Humanity has lost all technology and now must develop everything from scratch. Dr. Stone is one of the survivors that was preserved throughout the years, and with his vast scientific and cultural education, he slowly begins to reinvent modern technology. This anime will teach you much about what we currently take for granted. We all know how to operate a computer or mobile phone, but there’s a good chance you likely can’t make one from scratch.

  1. Starting Point To Learn More About Japanese Culture

Lastly, anime is a good starting point if you ever want to learn about Japanese culture. You’re exposed to the language, art, history, and much more about being Japanese. Of course, this is no substitute for visiting Japan and interacting with the locals, but it’s still a good learning tool.

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In Conclusion

Anime can be much more than just entertainment. It can be a powerful tool for cultural education and understanding, helping individuals broaden their horizons and better appreciate the world around them. So, the next time you’re bored, consider watching any of the anime mentioned in this article.