How To Get More Views, Likes, And Comments On Youtube

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Youtube has grown into one of the most influential social media platforms worldwide. With over 2 billion logged-in monthly users, it offers a vast audience and tremendous potential for content creators to reach their target audience. However, with the intense competition on platform, getting more views, likes, and more comments on your youtube videos can be challenging.

In this guide, we will explore various strategies and techniques to help you boost your youtube engagement and presence. Additionally, we will introduce a website that can assist you in your journey to youtube success.

Create high-quality content

The foundation of success on youtube lies in the content you create. Regardless of your niche, producing high-quality, engaging, and valuable content is essential. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Find your niche: identify a niche that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in, this will make it easier to create content that resonates with your target audience.
  • Research your audience: understand your target audience’s preference, interest, and pain points. Tailor your content to address their needs and provide solutions.
  • Plan your content: create a content calendar to ensure consistency. Plan your video topics, titles, and release schedule in advance.
  • Invest in Equipment: While you don’t need high-end gear to start, investing in decent equipment, such as a good camera, microphone, and lighting, can significantly improve your video quality.
  • Edit Professionally: Spend time editing your videos to make them visually appealing and engaging. Use editing software to add effects, transitions, and music where appropriate.

With Youtubestrom, every click is an invitation into an immersive world where your creativity takes center stage. Elevate your YouTube game, embrace the power of genuine connection, and let your content shine. 

Optimize your titles, descriptions, and tags

Youtube is a search engine, and optimizing your video’s metadata is crucial for discoverability. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Keywords research: use tools like google keywords planner, youtube’s auto-suggest feature, and  find relevant keywords for your content.
  • Engaging titles: craft catchy and descriptive video titles that incorporate your target keywords. Make sure they pique viewers’ curiosity.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Write comprehensive video descriptions that include relevant keywords, a brief summary of the video, and links to your social media and website.
  • Tags: Use relevant tags that reflect the content of your video. Include variations of your main keywords and phrases.

Engage with your audience

Building a community around your youtube channel is essential for long-term success. Engage with your viewers by responding to comments and interacting on social media:

  • Respond to comments: reply to comments on your videos promptly. Engaging with your audience builds a sense of community and encourages more interaction.
  • host  Q&A sessions: periodically host live Q&A sessions or respond to viewer questions in your videos. This fosters a deeper connection with your audience.
  • Collaborate with other youtubers: partnering with other content creators can introduce your channel to new audiences and foster engagement.

Promote your videos

Creating great content is only half the battle; you also need to promote it effectively: 

  • Share on social media: share your videos on platforms like facebook, twitter, instagram, and pinterest to reach a wider audience.
  • Use email marketing: send your subscribers notifications about new videos via email. Build an email list to keep your audience informed.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers in your niche to promote your videos to their followers.
  • Utilize this is a powerful platform that can help you promote your videos. It offers services like video sharing, views, likes, and comments, which can give your content an initial boost.

A valuable resource 

As mentioned earlier, is a valuable resource for youtubers looking to enhance their presence on the platform. It offers several services that can help you get more views, likes, and comments on your youtube videos:

  • Video sharing: allows you to share your videos on various social media platforms and websites, increasing their visibility.
  • Views: you can buy views from to boost your video’s ranking and credibility. More views often lead to more organic traffic.
  • Likes: Having a higher number of likes on your videos can make them more appealing to viewers. A website offers the option to purchase likes for your videos.
  • Comments: Comments not only enhance engagement but also signal to YouTube that your content is valuable. You can purchase comments from to kickstart the conversation.

It’s important to note that while services like can provide an initial boost, the long-term success of your channel still depends on creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience genuinely.

Consistency is key

Consistency is crucial on youtube. Your viewers should know when to expect new content from you. Stick to a regular posting schedule, whether it’s once a week, twice a month, or daily. This consistency keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Analyze your performance

Youtube provides valuable analytics that can help you understand your audience’s behavior. Pay attention to metrics such as watch time, audience retention, and click-through rate. Use this data to refine your content strategy and make improvements over time.

Thumbnails matter

Your video thumbnail is the first viewers see, so it needs to be eye-catching and relevant to the video’s content. Create custom thumbnails that are both visually appealing and represent what your video is about.

Harness the Power of Playlists

Organize your videos into playlists based on topics or themes. This encourages viewers to watch more of your content, increasing your overall views and watch time.

Stay Informed and Adapt

The world of YouTube is ever-evolving, with new trends and features constantly emerging. Stay informed about the latest updates, trends, and algorithm changes. Be ready to adapt your content and strategies accordingly to stay competitive.

Be Patient and Persistent

Building a successful YouTube channel takes time. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Stay persistent, keep improving, and stay committed to your content and your audience.


1. How can I increase the visibility of my YouTube videos to get more views?

I want to boost the visibility of my YouTube videos. What strategies can I employ to increase views?

To enhance the visibility of your YouTube videos, consider the following:

  • Optimize Video Titles and Descriptions
  • Create Eye-Catching Thumbnails
  • Utilize Tags Effectively
  • Promote on Social Media

2. What strategies can I employ to get more likes and comments on my YouTube videos?

I’m looking to boost engagement on my YouTube videos. What can I do to encourage more likes and comments?

Increasing likes and comments involves fostering a sense of community and interaction. Here are some strategies:

  • Create Engaging Content
  • Ask for Engagement
  • Respond to Comments


Getting more views, likes, and comments on youtube requires a combination of creating high-quality content, optimizing your videos for search, promoting your content effectively, and engaging with your audience. can be a valuable resource to boost your initial visibility, but it should be used in conjunction with other strategies to build a sustainable channel. Remember that success on youtube is a journey, and with dedication and the right strategies, you can grow your presence and achieve your goal on this influential platform.