Disney Characters That Start With H: Iconic Names

H is for Hercules, Heihei and Horned King, so let’s explore all the iconic Disney characters that have names starting with h!
1. Hades (Hercules)
The main bad guy, his fiery flame for hair matches his fiery temper which can often flare out of control. With a chip on his shoulder regarding his elder brother, Zues, he hatches a plan to take over Mount Olympus but must first get rid of Hercules.
2. Hamm (Toy Story)
A sassy, wisecracking piggy pank with accompanying cork to keep all his change in, he generally hangs out with Mr Potato Head and also puts up with Rex.
He’s not afraid to say what’s on his mind but he does see clearly and seems to be one of the more street smart out of all the toys.
3. Israel Hands (Treasure Planet)
A Densadron pirate, he doesn’t mind using violence to get his way, although like most bullies he will back down quickly if someone fights back or he fears he may lose.
One of the few deaths shown in Disney films, he falls to his death during a mutiny.
4. Hank (Finding Dory)
Another inhabitant of the Marine Life Institute, Hank has lost a tentacle but still has the ability to camouflage.
In order to live a life of solitude in Cleveland, Hank desires to escape into Quarantine but first needs a tag, which he notices Dory has.
He’ll release a squirt of ink if threatened, and Hank really doesn’t like being touched by humans.
5. Prince Hans (Frozen)
Bullied and put down by his brothers partly due to him being the youngest of a massive family of 13, Hans is one of the nastier characters in the Frozen universe. He’s always plotting and willing to use dirty tactics to take over the throne.
6. Happy (Snow White)
One of the seven dwarfs, Happy is a rotund fellow with a constant smile on his face.
He always sees the bright side of things and his peppy nature helps instill confidence and happiness in the group, especially when you’ve got Grumpy on the sidelines bringing everyone down.
He provides shelter to Snow White after she flees the clutches of the Evil Queen.
7. Dean Hardscrabble (Monsters University)
Head of the School of Scaring, Dean Hardscrabble appears to be a dragon but is in fact a type of insect called an Amazonian giant centipede.
Being a top scarer herself, she is quite selective (some would say harsh) on who she lets through the school and who she’s not interested in passing.
After breaking her prized scream canister, both Mike and Sulley are kicked out of the school and must get back in via winning the Scare Games.
8. Colonel Hathi (The Jungle Book)
Running the Jungle Patrol, of which two of members are his own family Winifred and son Hathi Junior, Colonel Hathi likes discipline and order. The need for troop inspection and close following of the Colonel’s orders makes for a lot of discontent among the troops.
They help in the search party for Mowgli and also prevent Baloo from entering the Man Village.
9. Heathcliff (Big Hero 6)
A former spy who transfers to working for the family of Boss Awesome, he has an involved past with the thief Cobra which has caused him to want to lay low in case of any blowback.
Having saved Boss Awesome’s life during another fight against Cobra led Boss Awesome to take on Heathcliff as a butler. Heathcliff helps the family with all types of butler-like tasks including looking after Boss Awesome’s son, Frederick Flamarion ‘Fred’ Frederickson IV.
10. Hector Rivera (Coco)
A key part in helping Miguel in his quest to find the famous singer Ernesto de la Cruz, it turns out that Hector is actually Miguel’s great-great grandfather.
Given that time in the Land of the Dead doesn’t flow at the same rate, Hector doesn’t clue in to the possibility.
11. Heihei (Moana)
Quite possibly one of the dullest characters in any Disney film ever, Heihei (or Hei Hei) doesn’t contribute much in the way of witty one-liners or cunning plans. In fact, the only reason he gets involved in the adventure is that he unintentionally stowed away in the boat.
His bright plumage is catching but his most noticeable feature are his bulging eyes that stare off into nothingness.
12. Heimlich (A Bug’s Life)
Heimlich the caterpillar is a clown in PT Flea’s Circus, and his huge appetite means that he eats anything that is available. Even if it is the guests of the circus show.
He is the comic relief, even unintentionally, and has some of the funniest lines in the film. His massive green bulk gets him into trouble and almost eaten by a bird when he can’t fit through a crack.
13. Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
More commonly referred to as Professor Time, he originally used his smarts to take over ‘the entire Tri-State area’, however he always failed due to his evil inventions often being quite useless.
Eventually he comes to see the errors of his ways, and especially in part to looking after Vanessa, his daughter, does he realize that his skills are better put to use helping others.
14. Lieutenant Helga Katrina Sinclair (Atlantis)
Right hand to Commander Lyle Tiberius Rourke, she is clever but has a manipulative side, using her looks and intelligence to get her way.
A brilliant fighter, she’s not scared to tell it like it is. Tasked with stealing the Heart of Atlantis, she is thwarted by the actions of Milo once he realizes what her ultimate goal is.
Either succumbing to the volcano that was caused to be unstable by the removal of the Heart or by the fall, either way it’s likely that Karma came back to get Helga.
15. Henry J Waternoose III (Monsters, inc.)
Taking on the appearance of a spider dressed like an old timey gentleman, he is dedicated to Monsters, Incorporated to a fault.
When diminishing returns threaten the survivability of the firm, he conspires with Randall Boggs, an evil chameleon with a vendetta against Mike, to kidnap children to scare them more effectively.
16. Henwen (The Black Cauldron)
A magical pet pig owned by Taran, Dallben fears that the Horned King wants to kidnap Henwen and use the pig’s powers to reveal the location of the powerful black cauldron.
The plan to hide Henwen is foiled when Taran’s daydreaming sees him lose track of Henwen, only for him to be then captured by the Horned King’s Gwythaints.
17. Hera (Hercules)
Mother of Hercules, she always appears with a bright pink hue and often wears a tiara. Despite Hercules’ strength and power, she fusses over him constantly.
18. Hercules (Hercules)
Son of Zeus and blessed with almighty power, Hades attempts to kill him to prevent the prophecy coming true. Without a hero to save Mount Olympus, Hades belives he can rise up from the underworld and be god of all the universe.
Hercules doesn’t drink the entire contents of the vial given to him by Hades’ henchmen and ends up retaining his immense strength, eventually becoming the hero he was destined to be.
19. Hermes (Hercules)
The messenger of the gods, Hermes boasts super speed and a willingness to go whereever he needs to go to get the message delivered.
Relying on magic rather than divine power, he relies heavily on his glasses due to his terrible eyesight, but also partly because they are the source of his power.
20. Hiro Hamada (Big Hero 6)
A genius who skipped through school, he is the leader of Big Hero 6 and made his name through bot-fighting. While often using deception to cause his opponents to make large bets, his machines were so powerful that he always won.
A carefree young boy who is socially immature but leagues above his peers in terms of intellect, he has a variety of inventions that allow him to use Baymax to its fullest potential.
21. Sir Hiss (Robin Hood)
A snake with a sinister motive, he can use hypnosis to get what he wants. After putting King Richard in a trance and packing him off on the crusades, he then tries to usurp power in the King’s absence.
Unfortunately for Sir Hiss, he chooses Prince John as the vehicle to take the throne, and Prince John is not quite up to the task, leading to failure and incompetence.
22. Holley Shiftwell (Cars 2)
Actually a spy, Holley Shiftwell is stocked to the sunroof with spy gadgets and uses them to achieve her missions. Working closely with Finn McMissle and Tow Mater, she often applies her classroom learning a little bit too much as she’s sorely lacking in real world experience.
This comes back to bite her, as when meeting up with Tow Mater, she thinks he is actually Rod ‘Torque’ Redline and wastes precious time before working it all out.
Holley has afterburners that allow her to fly once she gets enough speed.
23. General Hologram (Wreck-it Ralph)
Taking his solemn duty of guarding the coveted Medal of Heroes, General Hologram AKA General Lockload is from the arcade game Hero’s Duty.
24. Honey Lemon (Big Hero 6)
Honey is part of Big Hero 6 and specializes in chemistry. She has a portable purse that can mix different chemical elements, which offers a range of possibilities to her including making explosives or traps.
With a definite mad scientist vibe, she often dresses like a hippy from the 1970s with bright colors to match her bright pink armor given to her by Hiro.
25. Honeymaren (Frozen 2)
A Northuldra, Honeymaren respects the magic of nature and lives in the Enchanted Forest. Due to a curse, she can’t leave the Enchanted Forest.
After meeting Elsa and Anna, she warns them of the Earth Giants and eventually benefits from them pacifying the elemental spirits and restoring Arendelle’s resources.
Honeymaren loves animals and goes out of her way to ensure they are safe.
26. Captain Hook (Peter Pan / Peter Pan 2: Return To Never Land)
Peter’s sworn enemy, Hook lost his hand in a sword fight with Peter Pan, whereupon Peter fed the hand to a crocodile. Since then, the crocodile has been trying to finish the job as he found the hand quite the tasty morsel.
The ticking of the clock inside the crocodile means Hook is constantly fleeing from time, whereas Peter Pan doesn’t get affected by it, causing Hook to hate him even more.
Captain Hook likely had an upper class upbringing, as his accent and manners are impeccable. However, the life of a pirate requires ruthlessness.
27. Hopper (A Bug’s Life)
The scary and intimidating leader of the grasshoppers, Hopper is a Carolina grasshopper who is terrified of birds, having lost his eye in an encounter with one.
His big frame and long legs allow him to physically bully the ants, which he loves to do with powerful kicks. A typical bully, he loves to yell and project his insecurities.
28. Horace Badun (101 Dalmatians)
Part of the Jasper and Horace criminal pairing, he is a member of Cruella’s goons, he is tasked with being the muscle, beating up whoever he pleases but often being unwilling to enact violence.
Horace’s love of money means he does anything, especially crime, and helps dognap Pongo and Perdita’s puppies. Eventually they admit that they were put up to it and start a clothing business.
29. Horned King (The Black Cauldron)
A wicked monarch, he’ll stop at nothing to use the Black Cauldron for nefarious means.
Using warriors birthed using the cauldron’s power, called the Cauldron Born, he is a megalomaniac who wants to take over the world.
Using a variety of horrific servants including Creepers, the hunters of Annuvin, and the draconic Gwythaints, he will stop at nothing to capture Henwen and find the Black Cauldron’s location.
30. Horst (Ratatouille)
A sous-chef who hates Remy, he eventually takes over Gusteau’s restaurant but quits once he finds out that Linguini is not all he’s supposed to be.
Second in charge when Skinner isn’t around, he has a distinctive German accent and possibly a very dark past.
31. King Hubert (Sleeping Beauty)
Father of Prince Phillip, his wife the queen seems to have gone missing but he doesn’t know where. Quick to anger due to the stress of being a royal, he is also able to compose himself equally as quickly and make up for any rash decisions.
32. Hugo (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)
Living in the Notre Dame cathedral, Hugo is one of a trio of sentient gargoyles. Being friendly with Quasimodo, Hugo is an outgoing and extroverted character but unfortunately due to his statue form always having its mouth open, he has to spit out the birds that nest there.
He encourages Quasimodo to be happy and also has a very intimate relationship with Esmeralda’s goat Djali.
33. Humperdink Duck (No Hunting)
Also known as Grandpa Duck, Humperdink Duck is Donald Duck’s grandfather on his father’s side.
While more than willing to let the kids do the farm work while he tucked into his wife’s delicious pies, Humperdink Duck is a caring grandparent.
34. The Huntsman (Snow White)
A servant of the queen with a real name of Humbert, he sets out to kill Snow White but realizes from her innocence and kindness that this is not the right course of action.
Instead, he tells her to hide in the forest, away from the evil intent of the queen and her vain pursuits.